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22nd October 2024 

How do I know if I need counselling/psychotherapy?
Only you can decide whether you wish to try counselling/psychotherapy. Talking to someone confidentially who is not a friend or family member can make all the difference. Counselling provides a regular time for those in distress to explore their feelings and talk about their problems. A counsellor can help you develop better ways of coping, allowing you to live the life you deserve.

What is counselling/psychotherapy?
Counselling and psychotherapy, although two completely different words, both offer basically the same service.
Whether you choose a counsellor or psychotherapist, the main thing is to choose the right individual.

What is counselling about?
An official definition of counselling by my professional body is:

Counselling and psychotherapy are umbrella terms that cover a range of talking therapies. They are delivered by trained practitioners who work with people over a short or long term to help them bring about effective change or enhance their wellbeing.

Counselling has been around for a long time and many people have benefited from having counselling. Counselling is about examining areas of difficulties in an environment of confidentiality. At times it is not enough to go over and over again about difficulties and stuckness by yourself or with friends. It is helpful to explore tough decision with a person who is not personally involved.
I provide a safe place in which to explore areas of difficulties and to work together towards moving to a better place in life. On many occasions I have been privileged to see people discover new ways of coping and embracing life to the full again.

Counselling involves two people exploring and examining difficulties, stuckness, uncertainties or anything else that hinders you from enjoying life, in a personal, non judgemental and confidential environment trying to find a new ways of looking at things in an open and respectful way.

Counselling can take just a few sessions or go on over a longer period of time. I offer both short and long term therapy.

What problems can be helped by counselling?
Generally people come to counselling after they have tried ways of solving a difficult situation by themselves but have come to a point where they are not moving on or out of the situation.

I have worked with issues like:
Depression, Anger,Low Self Esteem,Relationship issues,Illness,Terminal Illness
Bereavement, Abortion, Drug and alcohol and other addictions, Abuse in its many disguises, Anxiety and Panic attacks, Cultural and Religious Issues, Self Harm,
Drug and Alcohol and other addictions, Stress.
These are just a few issues than can affect our daily life.

This is what clients said after completing therapy:
"Counselling has helped me sort out the mess of thoughts in my head and work out what to do next" BD

The sessions have been a great relief. I felt save exploring the blocks and learned new coping skills. It is helpful to talk to someone who is not a friend or family as I can be more me. AS

It was a very strange and scary prospect talking to someone I don't know . But Monika was engaging with me at all times and that made it easy. What an invaluable service. You have given me my life back and I will always be thankful. J

Talking to Monika, I quickly started to feel I had more space in my mind. I became more able to make sense of what had seemed like a huge muddle. Monika has helped me to see that it is worth taking the time to think about how I am, and that I am worth that time. As a result I am much less afraid to consider what I really want and to make important changes. AH

My experience has been beneficial, rewarding, helpful and enlightening. An art in listening and conversation where much has been achieved very gently. JaB

From this experience I felt as if I gained confidence, self esteem, courage and lots of other qualities. Coming out the other side of this journey, I would like to thank Monika for helping me overcome my struggles.

AR 17

What can you expect from counselling?
Initially coming to counselling can feel quite strange. Suddenly someone is totally interested in you and your life. Someone whom you have never met before is getting to know your private life and thoughts. It is all about you, how you feel and how you cope. This requires trust, respect and openness.

Through therapy and working together we can work towards finding ways and solutions that work for you to move to a better place. We all deserve to live life well.